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Oray Tea



Oray Frost Following bright and sunny days Winter Frost Tea only arrives if the temperatures in Nilgiri dipped sharply resulting in a heavy frost settling over the tea fields fresh young shoots. This temperature snap presents the right conditions to result in the flavor compounds within the leaves being at their best to make this tea.

(50 gms)

Regular price Rs. 500.00
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  • Health Benefits

    1.Rich in Antioxidants
    2.Promotes Skin Health
    3. Boosts Immune System

  • Taste Notes

    • Rich and Malty
  • Brewing Suggestion

    Step 1: Boil 1 cup of filtered water in a pan.
    Step 2: Add 1 teaspoon of Frost black tea leaves and allow it to simmer for 3 minutes.
    Step 3: Add half a cup of milk to the pan (optional, if you prefer a creamier texture).
    Step 4: Add sugar or jaggery and simmer for another 1 minute.
    Step 5: Strain the Frost black tea into your favorite cup and enjoy!


What are the main types of tea?

The main types of tea are black, green, white, oolong, and herbal. They differ in processing, flavor, and caffeine content.

How should I store tea?

Store tea in an airtight container, away from light, moisture, and strong odors to preserve freshness.

Does tea contain caffeine?

Most true teas (black, green, white, oolong) contain caffeine, while herbal teas are typically caffeine-free.

Can I re-steep tea leaves?

Yes, especially for high-quality green, white, and oolong teas. The flavor will evolve with each steeping.